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We have helped Arkansas utilities collect over $787,067.21 in bad debt! |
Comments from our Members
Welcome to the Water Utility Data Base system (WUDB). This system was designed and developed to assist utility companies with the tracking of their delinquent accounts. As a customer leaves owing a bill with no intention of paying WUDB can assist in tracking them to their next utility. Certain legislation has been passed so that the new utility can refuse service until the previous utility has been paid. (Click on Legislative Resources to learn more about the legislation passed in your state.) Now with WUDB's web-based system, water and utility companies can manage their information through their own account. Water and utility companies can communicate with each other using WUDB's built in notification system when a match is found. This will help establish the course of action taken to get your money and resolve the matter. Thousands of dollars in delinquent accounts have been collected through WUDB that would have otherwise been written off as bad debt. Let's work together and go after those who owe instead of raising rates on those who pay.
So don't delay the capture of your bad debt any longer!
Integrated Partners These companies make it easier for members to add data to WUDB Don't see your software company listed? Contact us to find out how to become an integrated partner!